RD LOWES, INC. specializes in Rental Home Restoration. With 25 years experience in the Mobile and Baldwin County areas, we have become the specialists when it comes to refreshing or completely renewing your rental properties.
We also handle the general maintenance issues for property managers.
Interior/Exterior Painting
Sheetrock Repairs
Wallpaper Removal
Sheetrock Installation
Sheetrock Finishing
Cabinet Painting
Small Cabinet Repairs
Popcorn Repairs
Popcorn Removal
Interior/Exterior Staining
Private Fence Repairs
Private Fence Staining
Concrete Staining
Concrete Sealing
Stucco Sealing/Painting
Small Stucco Repairs
Interior/Exterior Door Installation
Interior/exterior Door Repairs
Interior/Exterior Wood Repairs
Mold Removal
Column Repairs
Small Vinyl Siding Repairs
Rental Maintenance Repairs